Episode 12: Watch Your Language and The Invisible Vegan Filmmaker Jasmine Leyva

Oct 13, 2020 | Anti-Oppression, Episodes, Podcast

Hope starts us off today with a discussion about language. Our use of language shapes how we perceive the world. Our language around animals is especially important because it can influence how society thinks and feels about animals. Hope offers some suggestions for changing and improving our language to help people see animals as individuals. To recognize them beyond mere property, and see animals as sentient beings deserving of our protection and respect.

Next on the podcast we have the fun and fabulous, Jasmine Leyva. Jasmine is an actress and filmmaker who created the documentary The Invisible Vegan. This 90-minute independent documentary brings to light the health and wellness possibilities for the African-American community with a plant-based vegan diet and lifestyle. The Invisible Vegan offers both historical and contemporary perspectives on dietary trends among African-Americans. Hope and Jasmine talk about the importance of supporting vegan voices from black communities and all communities of color to help create the diverse, compassionate, interconnected vegan world we all want to see. 

Resources and Links:

Understanding Euthanasia: When Life and Words Become Worthless by Karen Davis

Watch The Invisible Vegan on:

Amazon Prime (Free with Prime subscription)

Tubi TV (Free)

KweliTV (Black female owned streaming service)


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