Episode 73: Effective Communication for Animals with Ryuji Chua

Jan 31, 2023 | Fishes, Podcast

Ryuji Chua is an animal activist and filmmaker who is currently working as a video producer at Surge Activism, an advisor for the Vegan Hacktivists, and was recently featured on The Daily Show with Trevor Noah to talk about animal rights and his latest independent documentary “How Conscious Can A Fish Be?” Hope and Ryuji talk about the importance of including fish in our advocacy and discuss fish pain, fish sentience, and fish farms. Ryuji offers advice about effective communication as a vegan, how focusing on the animals is critical for our messaging, and how protecting wild animals is often seen as preserving the species or ecosystem, without consideration to the individual animals. 


Ryuji’s YouTube Channel

Ryuji on The Daily Show

Video: How Conscious Can a Fish Be?

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