Reason for Vegan Series 8: Fish Feel: Sentience, Emotion, and the Latest Science About Fish

Episodes, Fishes, Podcast, Reason for Vegan

In this series of short shows, Hope will focus on specific aspects of animal agriculture and answer the question of why we are vegan. In this eighth installment of the Reason for Vegan Series she talks about fish; who they are, what their lives are like, and why we should care about them. Hope will uncover the emotional, cognitive, and complex life of fish. Science is discovering so much about our underwater cousins and Hope will dive into that research and help us answer questions about pain, parenting, emotion, communication, memory, and more.


FaceBook: Let Fish Live

What A Fish Knows by Johnathan Balcombe

TRANSCRIPT: Reason for Vegan Series 8: Fish Feel: Sentients, Emotion, and the Latest Science on Fish

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